


a repository of valuable resources.


Old Vintage Ship Pirate Sail Boat Galleon Woodcut

JAN 2025

Enter the

mind of a


Few people have grasped the magnitude and ​inevitability of bitcoin in such a brief period of time.

Fewer still have been able to communicate bitcoin’s ​unique properties and potential to a critical mass ​with such ease and clarity.

And nobody has bet bigger on a bright orange ​future.

This resource aims to collect Michael Saylor’s most ​valuable lessons, insights, and principles distilled from ​speeches, interviews, and tweets.

Book Line Art


ANIL PATEL is the author of The Bitcoin Handbook.

He holds an M.B.A. and has worked with Swan, Unchained and Bitcoin Magazine. Anil is also an investor in ~20 companies (incl. Umbrel, Replit, Gumroad, Strike and Swan).


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*This resource is being created as a public good and will be made freely available in digital format. Other than providing initial consent, Michael Saylor is not involved in this project (nor is MicroStrategy Inc.). Any final product will only be released pending approval from Michael Saylor.